Antarkarana: The bridge to the sacred


  • Antahkarana is defined as the link between the body and the spirit or the bridge between the upper and middle mind.
  • He can be defined as the source of thought, or the mind, soul, heart, or consciousness.
  • Antahkarana is a symbol used in the Reiki healing method.

An ancient symbol

According to Vedanta literature, the antahkarana has four parts:

  • Manas (mind) - The lower, rational part of the mind that connects to the external world.
  • Chitta (memory) - the consciousness where impressions, memories and experiences are stored.
  • Buddhi (intellect) - the part of the mind that makes decisions.
  • Ahamkara (ego) - the attachment or identification of the ego, also known as "I am".

Antahkarana se refiere a todo el proceso psicológico, incluidas las emociones. En algunas tradiciones hindúes, el antakarana puede referirse a dos niveles de la mente, tanto el intelecto (buddhi) como la mente media o cuerpo mental (manas).