The Divine Key (Exercises & Activities)

I invite you to carry out an exercise in appreciation of Divinity and its attributes. Choose the term or expression that you like the most to refer to the Divine Essence that is present in everything: Unconditional Love, One, Monad, Divinity, Eternal Source, Father-Mother, God, Universe, Multiverse, Quantum Field, Infinite Intelligence, Vortex , Great Presence, etc.

By vibrating in love, creatively and radiantly, you express your divinity. This is called Enthusiasm, Divine Inspiration, Ecstasy of the Self, Inner Fervor or Exaltation of Encouragement. The word Enthusiasm comes from the Greek enthousiasmos and is formed by entheos- (which carries a god within), -ia- (quality of) and -asmos (activity).

To awaken the infinite power of the Divine Essence in your Being, it is important to recognize all its qualities and activate them consciously.


Exercise 1: Divine Attributes

On a log sheet, list the attributes or qualities that the Divine Essence possesses; Create phrases recognizing these attributes and applying them to your Being.

Some examples, using various expressions and attributes:

⨮ The Source is eternal and my Being is eternal.
⨮ God is perfect harmony and my Being vibrates in perfect harmony.
⨮ Father-Mother is wisdom and wisdom is in me.
⨮ Divinity is love and the love of my Being is Divine.
⨮ God is infinite and my essence is infinite.
⨮ The Divine Essence is infinite and my essence is infinite.
⨮ The Quantum Field knows all the ways and guides me in the decisions.
⨮ God is the purest forgiveness and my Being knows how to forgive.
⨮ The unlimited intelligence of God is manifested in my Being.
⨮ God is justice and my life is just.
⨮ The One always knows the answer and all the answers are in me.

Exercise 2: Affirmation of power

On another sheet, write the affirmation of divine power "The Divine Essence is with me and in me.", As many times as you wish.

You can change the expression Divine Essence if you wish, as shown below:

⨮ God is with me and in me.
⨮ The Eternal Source is with me and in me.
⨮ Father-Mother is with me and in me.
⨮ The Great Presence is with me and in me.
⨮ Divinity is with me and in me.
⨮ The Universe is with me and in me.
⨮ Infinite Intelligence is with me and in me.

After you have written the affirmation, read it aloud with all your love and enthusiasm. It flows from the deepest part of your Being and releases your inner power.

Exercise 3: Concentration

Before you start, make a pitcher of water and a glass.

Focus on a problem or personal block for a few seconds, observing it in your mind as if you were inside a sphere. Do not be distressed or uncontrolled, just breathe serenely, understanding that everything is possible for the Divine Essence and that you have its infinite power to resolve any blockage towards your greater well-being.

Choose a phrase from the first exercise that relates to the block that limits you.

Next, put your intention and energy to make that blockage absolutely available to the Divine Essence. Visualize a light that reaches from the sky to your head and lets the sphere rise through the light towards infinity, understanding that you should no longer interfere in the result because your control is no longer necessary.

Immediately focus your thought on the chosen phrase and say it out loud with determination and love, abandoning all thought, anguish, anxiety and concern regarding the problem that will be solved by the Divine Essence.

Visualize your life after solving the block and experience the deep emotion of no longer having the block. Thank as many times as you can, taking a sip of water in the middle of each thanks.

Breathe in harmony and smile. Your life is and will be better and better and better!